Tuesday, September 26, 2017

How to make OAF Controller Changes reflect without Application Bounce

How to make OAF Controller Changes reflect without Application Bounce

Often, when working with OAF customizations, we usually need to change the java code frequently and test in server, which requires application tier or apache bounce. Bouncing the application tier frequently effects multiple users and slows down the pages performance. In order to overcome this, if changes only involve controller changes, developer can follow below procedure(before that one needs to understand that controller code is cached using the Controller Class Name).

  1. Whenever you want to modify existing controller class code(say, ControllerA), create a new Controller Class(ControllerB) which is exactly as a copy of ControllerA.
  2. Make desired changes in ControllerB code.
  3. Mention ControllerB as controller using personalization.
  4. See the changes reflected on the page
  5. Note: Once ControllerB class name is registered with server, second change to this class will not be reflected unless server is bounced.
  6. To summarize, use different controller names for each change.