Monday, October 23, 2017

OAF JDR Utilities and Commands

OAF JDR Utilities and Commands

Jpximport, export and import commands are located in below path
<JDEV INSTALL DIR>\jdevbin\oaext\bin

For ex:-

 JPXImport Command for applying substitutions

jpximport jpx_file_path
             -username "username"
             -password "password"
             -dbconnection "database connection string in TNSNAMES format"

<JDEV INSTALL DIR>\jdevbin\oaext\bin\jpximport d:\myprojects\project1.jpx -username "apps" -password "<apps password>"  -dbconnection "(description=(address_list=(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=<hostname>)(port=<port>)))(connect_data=(sid=<YOUR SID>)))"

d:\myprojects\project1.jpx contains substitution details.

Export command for exporting OAF pages from server

export package or document name
          -rootdir "Output directory"
          -username "Username"
          -password "Password"
          -dbconnection "Database connection string in TNSNAMES format"

Navigate to <JDEV_HOME>\myprojects and execute below command, so that ReqLinesNotificationsRN.xml file will be created in <JDEV_HOME>\myprojects\oracle\apps\icx\por\wf\webui directory i.e.

cd <JDEV_HOME>\myprojects
<JDEV INSTALL DIR>\jdevbin\oaext\bin\export    /oracle/apps/icx/por/wf/webui/ReqLinesNotificationsRN     -username "apps" -password "<apps password>"  -dbconnection "(description=(address_list=(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=<hostname>)(port=<port>)))(connect_data=(sid=<YOUR SID>)))" -rootdir .

Import command for importing OAF pages into the server

import package directory path* or XML file path
          -rootdir "XML source directory"
          -username "Username"
          -password "Password"
          -dbconnection "Database connection string in TNSNAMES format"

For ex:-
Navigate to <JDEV_HOME>\myprojects and execute below command, so that <JDEV_HOME>\myprojects\xxcust\oracle\apps\icx\por\webui\XXFileUploadPG.xml file will be imported to the server

cd <JDEV_HOME>\myprojects
<JDEV INSTALL DIR>\jdevbin\oaext\bin\import xxcust/oracle/apps/icx/por/webui/XXFileUploadPG.xml -username "apps" -password "<apps password>"  -dbconnection "(description=(address_list=(address=(protocol=tcp)(host=<hostname>)(port=<port>)))(connect_data=(sid=<YOUR SID>)))" -rootdir .

Some JDR Utilities

1.       jdr_utils.listdocuments

                prints the list of all OAF customizations/personalizations done for a given path.
For ex:- jdr_utils.listdocuments('/oracle/apps/icx/por/wf/server',TRUE);
Second parameter denotes whether it should be recursive search or not. Above command prints all customizations/personalizations under /oracle/apps/icx/por/wf/server path
Sample output for above command, if ReqLinesNotificationsVO, RCOReqLinesNotificationsVO, RCOBuyerApprovalNotfnVO are substituted with custom VOs is:-

                Printing contents of /oracle/apps/icx/por/wf/server recursively

2.       jdr_utils.listcustomizations

Lists the details of levels of Personalizations/customizations done for a given document .
For ex:-

Lists below output to denote that there are personalizations/customizations done at site level, at 34 org level, and at 50345 responsibility level.

3.        jdr_utils.printdocument

prints the details of customization/personalization done, given the path for document.

For ex:-
Prints below output, to denote that standard VO “/oracle/apps/icx/por/wf/server/ReqLinesNotificationsVO” is substituted with custom VO “/xxcust/oracle/apps/icx/por/wf/server/xxReqLinesNotificationsVO”

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<customization xmlns="" xmlns:ui="" xmlns:oa="" xmlns:user="" version="10.1.3_1312" xml:lang="en-US"
   <replace with="/xxcust/oracle/apps/icx/por/wf/server/xxReqLinesNotificationsVO"/>

4.       jdr_utils.deletedocument

This deletes the personalization/customization, given the corresponding document path.

For ex:- jdr_utils.deletedocument(‘/oracle/apps/icx/por/wf/server/customizations/site/0/ReqLinesNotificationsVO’); deletes the VO substitution.